HaT 1/32 Avant garde, a subtropical conversion ;-)

Now that I have finished one project that was on the shelve (and in boxes haha) since spring this year, I am wrapping up another project which I started back in the subtropical days of last summer...At the moment I am finishing all my unfinished toy soldier projects in chronological order. Yesterday night, I spent my Saturday night painting the first 3 HAT Avant Garde converted to Austrian Jagers, while I was driven by the other Austrian figures and felt encouraged to continue working on my Austrian Army...I painted until early Sunday morning. When I woke up after a few hours of sleep...I decided the 8 men I converted to Jagers (size for a unit for the About Bonaparte rules set from Dirk Donvil) that the men had a strong need for a good leader figure, embodied in their officer haha... So I took another figure and picked up my finest knife and my drill! .....Et voilà! Meet Johannes Wilhelm Sontag!...